CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 |

Chapter 6

"Okay, what happened?" Ryan asked a split second after the teleprompter signaled that the show was over. He faced the twenty contestants at the couch as he asked this, while stagehands came by to herd the eliminees backstage. Madison snorted in irritation.

"I think she passed out," Taki explained as she more-tightly hugged Bell. The latter's eyes were still half closed.

"Fucking newbie," Janet mumbled as she stood up. No one else did--they were all kind of following each other because they didn't know what to do right now. Janet half-growled. "GET THE FUCK OFF THE DAMN COUCH!" she yelled, causing everyone to scatter except Taki, Bell, and Achibe. Bell latched herself onto Taki, completing the embrace.

A brief shriek, a loud thud, and suddenly Achibe and Janet were lying behind the couch and beating the crap out of each other. The talkative black had tackled the plant, igniting the figurative barrel of gunpowder between their tempers.

"Ohmygod no!" Priscilla squealed, and covered her mouth. Before security could step up, the other seventeen contestants were already reacting to the catfight (Bell and Taki just from the sounds). Three guards pushed through Ester and Charsi, who stood in shock and awe, and shoved Priscilla's panicking form as they reached the brawling women. It took just a few seconds to pry the two away from each other, leaving Achibe struggling against a security personnel who bound her upper arms. The black woman spit at Janet, who strained against the vicee grip of two guards.

"RACISS!" Achibe shouted with expression as the guard dragged her away, a bruise forming on her right eye.

"Fucking negro whore!" Janet retaliated. A guard tried to mop the blood flowing freely from her nose, but Janet shot back a death glare and caustic stream of curses, causing the security person to put away the handkerchief.

The other contestants stared as the fight broke up (except Bettine, who stopped caring.) "Alright, off the stage," Ryan told them. Meanwhile, Simon addressed the audience and told them to leave the building. Both requests took some coaxing--Juana was too spooked to follow orders the first time.

Achibe is safe! VFTW victory!

Thanks to everyone who voted for Achibe Adams! Supertranny Paige had to go, but that's the price you pay. Oh well, at least next week we'll get more entertainment out of our pick. Keep voting, or you raciss! 

After being ushered out from the stage building, one of the lesser Idol managers caught up with the twenty contestants and the leading Ryan. "Hey, uh, hey! Wait!" she stammered, and Ryan halted. The manager handed him a sheet of paper, and trotted off. Seacrest faced the crowd again, and...damn it.

"Where'd everyone go?" He asked behind a cheesy grin. The jumble of people looked to be a few members short.

"Um, gone?" Alexander replied before sticking his hands in his pockets and splitting off from the group. Like hell if he was going to stand around. Apparently, a few people had come to the same conclusion. Achibe didn't want to be within fifty feet of Janet, Bettine's attention span had run out, and Adolf got dragged along by the dity one's coaxing. Alexander ignored Ryan's protests and the chatter from the other sixteen people, and continued down a hall leading to the contestant rooms. Screw the formal debriefing or whatever it was Ryan wanted to do; the elimination show was over. He wondered if he'd see Paige ever again.

He quickly found himself back in his room, and withdrew the laptop under his bed to check up on Vote For The Worst, just to laugh at the complain-train aftermath of paige being kicked out. He had a good chuckle surfing the Play-By-Play thread--that "ItsMeDeb" person really enjoyed kicking around the Klockmann fans who puked up a "ROBBED" emoticon every five seconds. He even got to see a banning.

The door creaked open unexpectedly. "Helloooooo?" Bettine cooed as she peeked her head inside.

"Over here," Alexander called out, and waved one hand. Bettine spotted Alex lying on the floor, then stepped over to watch him.

"Whatcha watching?" she asked as she sat down next to the long-haired man.

"Just 'Vote For The Worst'." he explained off-handedly. Bettine peeked closer to get a better look at the screen, which was now switching to another thread in the subforum. Turns out, the photochop thread. Alex pressed the red icon and was graced with an image involving the Suppukuties flash game, a bunch of IBWs, and Madison.

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Most of them are funnier," he remarked, finding the dig at Madison's implied sacrifice a bit offensive. Bettine stared blankly at the screen as Alexander scrolled down past a cloud of LBFs. The next chop was yet another Heil Adolf image, a trend that was getting old fast.

"I don't get it," Bettine pouted.

"Adolf, Veltin, Hitler, it's not that hard." The next picture was a simple ambigram of Veltin and Hitler, demonstrated--Alexander scowled at the Worsters' one-track sense of humor. Bettine mimicked Brooke White's bitchface in response to the image.

"That's not very nice," she complained.

"The last few pages were better," Alexander shrugged. He promptly clicked back to the full subforum, revealing the many threads labeled with contestant names. "I see they hate me," Alexander chuckled to himself, noting the page count of his thread.

"Uuuuh?" Bettine muttered as she scrunched up her face, trying to figure out the cluster of threads. "But you have 38 pages..." Adolf walked by in the hall, saying something about the time.

"The more they hate you, the more they talk about you," Alexander replied. "That irish chick from season, uh, six, I think, has like four hundred pages." He pointed the Janet Brass thread. "Look, that's eighty pages. They seriously hate her; something about a being a plant."

Bettine returned her expression to a blank stare. "Where's me?" she asked, suddenly smiling.

Alexander pursed his lips and scrolled down. "You're probably on page two," he concluded, seeing that her name was absent.

The door to the room swung open again. "Ah, I've located you two," came Adolf's voice. The two at the computer turned their heads. "Duets are being selected, and I believe songs are as well," the older-looking man reported. They didn't need any more coaxing. Fairly soon, the three found the room in which Ryan and the others had ran off to, and the place reeked of negotiation.

"Somebody's got to duet with Janet," Ryan complained. Janet stood in roughly the center of the room in Whatevia fashion while other contestants ironed out who their parters were going to be. "Antonio, you're with her," Seacrest asserted as her pointed to the false-tanned guy.

"Come on, I wanna play with Priscilla," the man bargained.

"Then he'll do it," the host offered as he pointed to the entering Alexander.

"Wait, what?" Feber asked.

"You're dueting with Janet."

"Ohhh no, you can keep her," he retorted, and the bright room lit up with bits of laughter.

"Then you go with Vansina--"

"But I'm with her!" Aviva snapped, hugging the big black woman. She slapped his hand away, as it was really close to her butt. 

"Then you go with JANET," Ryan offered in an exasperated tone.

"Forget it."

"Maybe Charsi, but--"

"No." Aviva spat out, and squeezed Vansina.

"Is I a ragdoll, because I don't like that!" Vansina complained, and shoved away the clingy guy.

"Aviva, you're going with Janet." Ryan ordered firmly.

Bettine, by now, was horribly confused, and Adolf just sort of stood there. "Uummmm, I need a partner..." the ditsy one announced quietly.

"Hold on," Toya called out, whispered something to Karl in front of him, and then bounded towards Bettine. "Alrightiiagh!" he blurted as he stopped and almost fell from his momentum. 

Alexander shrugged. "I guess I'm with Janet--"

"Aviva's got Janet; you're with Vansina," Ryan instructed, which was met with another shrug and a mumbled "whatever."

"So, uh," Ryan spoke up, "We've got Alex with Vansina, Aviva with Janet, Bellatrix with Pascal; anyone else?"

"Me and Bettine," Toya piped up.

"Right, you and Bettine, anybody got a pen? Oh, thank you," he added as Bellatrix handed him a pencil. Ryan took out a handkerchief and scribbled initials on it. "Does Karl have a partner yet?"

"I don't," he admitted. "Is Juana free?"

"Sorry," replied a voice from the other side of the room. Juana stood near the greaseball Ernest, looking a little annoyed. "I can split up with him--"

"Stay there," Ryan ordered as he looked over and etched their initials. "Girls, who still doesn't have a partner?"

"I been lookin' fo summun but naw, no one wants a nigga chick!" Achibe complained loudly, stomping her feet. She almost broke into a minirant, but was cut off by a shout:

"ACHIBE." Janet yelled in her direction, getting everyone's attention. "SHUT UP. NO ONE LIKES YOU."

"Aw, motha-fucker..." Achibe stomped towards the plant, marching slow enough so that Ester was able to jump in between them.

"Ladies, can we be peaceful?" he asked, and was pulled away by Priscilla's manicured grip.

"Your hair is like, so dirty," she whispered to him. Ryan, seeing the two together, carved their initals on the handkerchief.

"You two, break it up," Ryan called out. "Achibe--" the tan-black deathglared at him, "Karl doesn't have a partner; you're with him." Before anyone could protest, he already had them tied together in writing. Achibe furrowed her eyebrows, opened her mouth wide like she was about to Mantasia-scream some bitching, but turned her anger back to Janet and subsequently entered an argue-fest.

"Everyone who has a partner, left side of the room, please," Ryan suggested, pointing to his left for emphasis. "Everyone else, right side," he added even as Bellatrix stepped towards the wall. In about a minute, the crowd had parted, leaving an 11-8 division--Bettine stood in the middle, really perplexed.

"Pssst," Toya whispered, and Bettine headed over to him.

"Ester, Priscilla, wrong side," Ryan told the two misplaced contestants. They crossed over to where Bettine had gone, Priscilla wondering since when she had a partner.

"Charsi, you--"


"Sorry about that," Ryan apologized, "You go with Adolf. Did I get that right?" he added.

The ghoulish-looking man replied with "that is correct." he stepped to the center of the room. "Taki, please follow me," he called. Juana rolled her eyes, thinking something about him being a douchebag.

Seacrest wrote down the pairing. "Achibe, I think you should go with Karl," he offered. Achibe broke her evil-eye gaze at Janet.

"Bitch please," she retorted, but by then Karl was already taking her hand.

"Let's go," he coaxed, causing a lot of BAWWWing from the stereotypical one.

"When do I get a turn?" Antonio spoke up. The room became loud slowly as contestants chatted or complained.

"Who do you want?" Ryan asked, pencil at the ready.

"I sayyyy...Charsi," the false-tanned guy selected. Ryan ushered him to the other side of the room with a motion of his pencil-holding hand, then wrote the initials as Mallon headed over. Charsi just followed him, clearly apathetic.

"Who's left?" Ryan raised his voice over the crowd. "Nevermind; who wants who?" Sudden calling out and pointing from both sides of the room. "POINT!" Ryan shouted. He ignored the established side of the room and looked at the remaining four people, Alex, Vansina, Henry, and Isabella. Both man pointed at the IBW, Vansina extended her finger at Alexander, and Isabella has no opinion (just like any "good" Simon-blowing machine.) Ryan stood in thought for a few seconds, condering the fodderiness levels of the set.

"Henry, Isabella. You're together. Alexander and Vansina." He scribbled some more initials. "Now go to your rooms and pick a song," he said, dismissing the twenty.


Days later, Vote For The Worst uncovered the pairings in the spoiler thread.

'Now we know who's going to duet with who. Whom. Whatever.

Toya - Bettine

Ernest - Juana

Antonio - Charsi

Ester - Priscilla (She probably sucked off Randy to get this :chile)

Adolf - Taki

Alexander - Vansina

Henry - Isabella

Karl - Achibe

Alexander - Vansina

Aviva - Janet (Kill me now.)

Dunno about Karl. I kind of like him, and I think he'll do okay with Raciss. But I want to tear my hair out over Feber/Fraud.' 

CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 |