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Chapter 4

Vote for the Worst encourages you to call in and vote for

Achibe Adams

Way to tell off the judges. If you don't vote, you raciss.

While many Worsters followed Dave's instructions, a few of the more independant lurkers and posters broke ranks and fought to keep Alexander Feber on the show. The arrival of two highly VFTW-worthy contestants punched a hole in the crowd's unity, and thus the site would merely dent the vote totals. Moderators readied their banhammers to smite the dissidents.

In the less panicked areas of the site, such as the chop thread, things continued as normal. After a member posted a screencap of one of Alexander's posters with the number chopped out, the thread promptly expanded by a few pages, packed with "Hi Dave" and other inclusions. The real Alexander chortled at one of them displayed on his MacBook Air's computer screen.

"It's funny because it's true," he admitted through chuckles as he elbowed the nearby Antonio. The fake-tanned man sat instead of laying on the dirty contestant room floor, which Alexander preferred to do.

"Daughtry is kind of a tool," Antonio remarked at the image's declaration. "Scroll down."

The next low-quality chop entailed a Superman movie poster, except with Paige pasted over the hero's head, and "Supertranny" replacing the movie title. Mallon huffed at what he percieved as disrespect, while Alexander smiled.

"Last page." Alexander pointed out, then slapped the laptop closed with more force than was safe for the frail device.

"Dude, you were going to check DialIdol!" the rocker complained, and lightly shoved Alexander.

"Dude, just stop. Okay?" Alexander arched his back to stretch, and then sat down to be at eye level with his friend. "It's just a game."

"I wanna know who's going home."

"Now that, I dunno." Alexander put his arms behind his head and lay down again. Antonio followed his freind's face with his eyes. "But you know, this whole thing's kind of a farce. You never know when the shocker card will get pulled out, so don't worry." He yawned. "What happens, happens. I'm just gonna make some friends while I can."

Antonio sat stoically, admiring Alexander's insight.

"Seriously though, Leon's outta here!" Alexander laughed, and nudged Antonio. Antonio chuckled in response. "Now, let's get some food or something; I'm hungry."


Meanwhile, Ken and the two Simons worked at a long table, sorting pairs of photographs. Each one bore a picture of a contestant, pairings taped together--the pairings that had performed. A sheet of paper lay in the center of the table, listing names and some six/seven-digit numbers, the vote totals.

The door to the brightly-lit room cracked open as Janet entered. "Done yet!?" her shrill voice asked.

"Yes, we're done," Cowell said as he blindly shoved two pairs of photographs away from him, leaving two final sets in the center of the table. The others glared at him, but Cowell just ignored their you-didn't-consult-us looks. "These four are  being elimiated." Janet smiled her crooked smile, stepped forward, and peered at the pictures.

"Who are they?" Janet snapped as she clicked her index finger's nail against a set of males.

"Look, we've got to get rid of the placeholders first," Simon explained.

"Fuck it, get rid of my competition!" She seethed.

"Janet, just shut up and leave." Simon said with a facepalm.

"Do what my coworker said," Ken added. Janet crinkled her nose and stormed off.

Internet happenings

Popular VFTW threads:
Janet Brass: Another Fugly, Lyin' Bitch (75 pages)

Season 8 Spoiler thread (72 pages)

Season 8 photochop thread- The only thread Deb can stand (61 pages)

Paige Klockmann - Supertranny (58 pages)

Ester Sembine - Es-turd Nosering (56 pages)

Vansina Stearns, Song stealing fake (52 pages)

"That's racist!" The Achibe Adams thread (49 pages)

Other threads:

Aviva Barnes-Go The Fuck Home (44 pages)

Alexander Feber- 8675309 (35 pages)

Pascal BraaAAAAAAAAAANDT (34 pages)

Ernest Darwin, zitfaced jerk (30 pages)

Taki Cohen: Because she didn't have a thread yet (21 pages)

Priscilla Schwarz: Plantcilla Whorz (20 pages)

Toya Rany: The Taylor Hicks Of Playwrights (18 pages)

Leon Whinney - fail faucet (18 pages)

Henry Thorne- HURRRRRRRRR (16 pages)

Antonio Mallon-Real rocker w/ goat vibrato (15 pages)

Bellatrix Heilbroner -Red-head stepchile...sort of (13 pages)

Juana Wright- IBW w/glasses (9 pages)

Adolf Veltin: der Fuehrer (9 pages)

Gerald Barley...someone's stepping on a cat (8 pages)

Charsi Croll-Randy's Masturbation Fodder (5 pages)

Madison Ellner: Generic IBW plant (4 pages)

Bettine Lee: Fire the cannons! (4 pages)

Karl Naquin needs a thread (4 pages)

Isabella Bosworth - Nobody Cares (2 pages)

Notable posts

In 'Vansina Stearns, Song stealing fake'

"She's not even trying. Her arrangement.

I'd understand if she chose an obscure remix, but this is the
UK album's version."


DialIdol (1 hour after voting begins):

Feber / Mallon: 12.46

Darwin / Veltin: 8.7

Naquin / Sembine: 8.49

Rany / Thorne: 7.22

Brass / Cohen: 5.31

Barnes / Brandt: 8.34

Croll / Heilbroner: 4.8

Adams / Wright: 2.1

Ellner / Klockmann: 0

Schwarz / Stearns: 0

Barley / Whinney: 0

Bosworth / Lee: 0

News articles:

'Idol' treats Paige Klockmann as female

February 15, Associated Press

American Idol has announced that Paige Klockmann, the controversial hermaphordite who has entered the top 24 during the show's current season, will be treated as female in all gender-dependent cases, including early eliminations.

Klockmann replaced a woman in the season's top 24. While rumors have circulated that Klockmann would be taking a female role due to this replacement, it had not been confirmed until yesterday, when 19 Entertainment made the deciscion on how to handle the hermaphrodite's gender ambiguity. "For our purposes...[Klockmann] is a she," states Ken Warwick, an executive producer of the television show. Klockmann performed yesterday on national television with a female parter, Madison Ellner. All other quarterfinalist women in the episode were paired with each other.

While several aguably transgendered people have appeared on "American Idol," Klockmann is the first hermaphrodite on the reality television series. "I'm really aware of this [controversy]," Klockmann says. "I'm not like everyone else. It's weird."

"I don't consider this a huge deal," Simon Cowell, the iconic judge of the show, comments. "It's really just a simple thing...[Klockmann] isn't that special."

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